Wireless Security Issues and Solution

802. 11b security is the buzz in the industry right now. The way some describe it, you needed think "802. 11b" and "security" are contradictory.

Built-in Solutions, September 2002

Created by: Chuck Bolvin, WAV, Inc.

Most users end result in one of two situations: 1) You could have this really great wireless network, however, you have uncovered it is not as secure as you thought or planned; 2) You need to implement a brand new wireless infrastructure, and your organization wants to make it as secure as possible.


Long ago when, most relied on the idea that spread spectrum was inherently secure. However, two rather large, threatening "security holes" have been uncovered. The first is eavesdropping, which is also known as "sniffing. " The second reason is getting access to a LOCAL AREA NETWORK and its resources through hacking.


Don't panic! Generally there is light at the end of the WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK (wireless LAN) security canal. And, thankfully, that light is not coming from the Manhattan Limited.